Emory University Hardship Fund - Created for You. Maintained by You.
Having already received 80 applications since October 2010, the Emory Hardship fund is looking for your contribution. Funded solely by donations from Emory University’s faculty and staff, the Hardship Fund is designed to assist faculty and staff members who are experiencing a temporary financial hardship due to a catastrophic event. Since the application review process started in October 2010, the Fund has been able to help 24 Emory University employees, providing over $26,418 in assistance.
With about 17,100 employees, and only 226 contributors, the Hardship Fund must continuously raise funds. Open enrollment may be the perfect time for you to consider signing up for payroll deduction. One dollar makes a difference. For just $8.34 a month you could contribute $100 a year. The more funds we raise, the more people we can help. No matter the size, every contribution makes a difference. If you haven’t yet contributed to the fund, please consider making a donation. For more information on donating to the fund, visit www.emory.edu/hardshipfund or contact Lisa Parker, Hardship Committee Chair.
Emory employees are able to apply for assistance through a confidential application process. Eligible applicants must be regular full or part-time employees, working at least 20 hours per week and be in good standing with a minimum of one year of service. Approval is subject to extent of need and the availability of funds.
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