Well-being Check-In
A well-being check-in is offered virtually and can help you gauge your emotional health and coping skills, as well as identify strategies for enhancing your resilience.
About the Well-being Check-In
The well-being check-in is designed to promote wellness and resilience. Common concerns addressed are:- managing transitions
- managing time effectively
- navigating relationships
- preventing burnout and managing stress
- coping with social issues which trigger stress and anxiety
The check-in is designed to be preventive and will assist individuals with developing an individualized action plan.
- The check-in is confidential.
- The check-in is quick and easy -- just a 15-minute online screening (to be completed at least 2 days prior to the scheduled appointment) followed by a 45 to 50-minute, one-on-one, well-being consultation with a licensed mental health professional.
- This preventive program is administered virtually by a team of FSAP clinicians.
Well-being Check-Ins for Specialized Groups
Well-being Check-ins for Medical House Staff First Year Residents
FSAP offers a well-being check-in specifically for first year residents to promote physician wellness and resilience. Addressing physician well-being early in physician training can make a difference in helping to successfully navigate the residency and maintain joy throughout an entire medical career. First year residents are automatically enrolled in this program.
Well-being Check-ins for New Faculty in the School of Medicine
Working in academic medicine can be both rewarding and challenging. FSAP offers a well-being check-in for new faculty in the School of Medicine to proactively address physician well-being. Common faculty well-being concerns addressed include:
- Balancing service, teaching and research
- Integrating work and life
- Managing professional and personal transitions
- Navigating systemic challenges
- Maintaining healthy connections
- Maintaining resilience
Schedule a Check-In
To schedule a well-being check-in, call 404-727-WELL (9355) between 8:00 am and 5:00 pm (Monday-Friday), or email: efsap@emory.edu.