Nutrition and Weight Management
Whether you're at work or at home, eating healthily and managing your weight takes a lot of pre-planning and personal effort. There are many ways Emory can help you make healthy eating choices and control your weight.
If you'd like to receive motivational tips and information about upcoming well-being programming that can help you reach your weight management goals directly to your inbox, join the Weight Management Listserv. Enter your name and email address, and then click Subscribe.

Learn to develop better eating habits by participating in the annual nutrition campaign.
In partnership with the American College of Lifestyle Medicine, this course provides a foundational, evidence-based introduction to the field, and focused nutrition education for the prevention and treatment of chronic disease. 2,500 licenses available on first-come, first-serve basis.
Eat healthy while at Emory with many fresh, low calorie food options. Look for the Better Choice label to ensure you're getting the healthiest choice.
Shop for fresh, local produce and organic, sustainable products at the Emory Farmers Market, held every Tuesday at 11:00-1:30 on McDonough Plaza.
Buy local, seasonal food directly from farmers by purchasing a share, or membership, in a CSA. Emory offers several opportunities to utilize CSAs with easy, on campus pick-ups.
Learn how to access Emory's weight management services, connect with expert providers, and take the next step in your medical weight management journey.