Salary Structures

Salary structures serve as a framework for Emory to make fair and consistent pay decisions for university staff members, while responding to changes in the labor market.

About Salary Structures

Like most organizations, Emory’s salary structures are developed in conjunction with market data and are the basis for a number of decisions regarding pay for university staff.

Salary structures provide a basis for calculating starting salaries and salary changes associated with job changes, ensuring we are paying relative to market.

Salary structures are assessed annually. HR’s compensation team frequently participates in salary surveys to determine how other businesses, industries, healthcare and higher education sources, and metro Atlanta employers, are compensating their employees and responding to changes in the market.

There are five salary structures:

  1. General (covers most classified university staff)
  2. Information Technology
  3. Clinical
  4. Research Administration Services
  5. Emory Temporary Services (ETS)

Pay Grades

Each grade has a range of pay from minimum to maximum, reflecting the market pay for jobs assigned to each level.

View FY2025 Salary Structures (Log In Required)

View FY2024 Salary Structures (Log In Required)

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To understand more about staff salary structures at Emory, view our frequently asked questions:

A salary structure is a tool that serves as a framework for Emory University to make structured, fair and consistent pay decisions, while responding to changes in the labor market. Like most organizations, Emory’s salary structures are developed in conjunction with market data and are the basis for a number of decisions regarding employees’ pay. Salary structures give us a basis for calculating starting salaries and changes in salary associated with job changes, and also allow us to know how we are paying relative to market.

There are five salary structures: General (covers most classified university staff), Information Technology, Clinical, Research Administration Services, and Emory Temporary Services (ETS).

Different structures allow flexibility to adjust salary ranges based on changes in the market and needs of the institution; and support career paths for different functional areas. In order to support the mission of the institution, we must be able to respond to market changes. Different functional structures provide the flexibility to do so.

We frequently participate in salary surveys to determine how other businesses, industries, healthcare and higher education sources, and metro Atlanta employers, are compensating their employees and responding to changes in the market. We assess on an annual basis whether and how structures may need to be adjusted.

Generally, changes are made to salary structures on September 1, the beginning of the fiscal year.

An annualized salary reflects a rate based on a full year’s work, or a FTE of 1.00. In salary administration practices, we factor in hours worked, special allowances and pay frequency (such as working 9 months and receiving 12 monthly checks). This figure represents your salary at 40 hours per week, 52 weeks per year.