Know Your Numbers
Knowing your numbers is a key factor in understanding your current health status. You can learn your important health numbers with a free biometric screening held at Emory.
About the Screenings
The screenings will measure your:
- Blood pressure
- Cholesterol
- Glucose
- Height and Weight
- Body Mass Index (BMI)
Why should you participate?
Getting a biometric screening helps you understand your important health measures and what health habit changes you may need to consider.
And, if you are on the Emory medical plan, you will earn a $75 medical plan incentive! Spouses on the medical plan can also participate and earn the $75 incentive. Screenings must be completed by October 25, 2019 in order to receive your 2019 medical plan incentive.
2019 Screening Information
Step 1: Download a Physician Screening Form
If you have received a screening as part of your regular annual preventive exam at your physician’s office (after November 15, 2018), or have your annual preventative exam coming up, register with Quest (with Registration Key: Emory) and download a Physician Screening Form to take to your doctor. You can also take the form to a CVS Minute Clinic and have the screening completed. The provider at either location will complete the form and fax it to Quest. Please check to ensure that you sign the form and all required information is provided.
Step 2: Get your screening and earn your incentive
Your screening will only take about 15 minutes. No fasting is required. Employees and spouses on the Emory medical plan will also earn a $75 Emory medical plan incentive (allow 4-6 weeks processing time).
Step 3: Take action
Share the results with your primary care provider and start an action plan for a healthy future by completing the online health assessment on Healthy Emory Connect and earn an additional $25 Emory medical plan incentive!
For more information
- View our Frequently Asked Questions.
- Email us at healthyemory@emory.edu or call 404-712-3775.