Leaving Emory
When the time comes to leave your employment with Emory, the following resources and information will help you manage the transition.
Resignation (Voluntary Termination)
To resign in good standing, Emory employees are expected to give at least two-weeks notice in writing. In certain key positions, additional notice may be expected.
Involuntary Termination
An involuntary termination is termination for cause as determined by the employer. For more information, refer to the Terminations of Employment Policy
If eligibility requirements are met, you can retire from Emory. For information on retiring:
Exit Checkout Process
When it is time for an employee to leave Emory, whether it's due to a termination, resignation, retirement or another reason, certain procedures must be followed to ensure that Emory's policies are met and Emory's physical and intellectual property is returned. HR has developed standard operating procedures and a required online checkout process. The online checkout is required for all exiting employees except for students, medical residents and unpaid faculty members.
As part of the checkout process, an employee and their supervisor must sign the Property Return and Confidentiality Agreement and the signed copy must be uploaded to the online checkout. If a signed form is not uploaded for the employee, they will be marked ineligible for rehire in the HR System.
Separation Notices
Employees leaving Emory will be mailed a separation notice to their home address. If applicable, you should take this notice to the Georgia Department of Labor to apply for unemployment benefits.
Vacation Leave Payout Policies
Other Resources
Exit Interview Survey
Emory University seeks formal feedback from separating employees through the exit interview process. If you are leaving Emory, please take a few minutes to complete our survey. The data will be compiled and shared with leadership to identify opportunities for improvement.
Update Your Contact Information
Provide Your Personal Email Address
Prior to leaving Emory, we recommend you provide a personal email address. You can do this in PeopleSoft/Self-Service (click on Personal Information > Personal Details > Contact Details).
Claim Your Profile in Emory's Recruiting System (iCIMS)
Additionally, every employee, even if they have not recently engaged in a job search, has a profile in the Emory Recruiting System, iCIMS. Employees with a current internal search or an interest in returning to Emory in the future need to ensure they have claimed their profile in this system.
To do this, navigate to the internal career site and click on the Update Profile box. Next, review your contact information ensuring a personal email address (i.e @gmail.com, @yahoo.com, etc.) is provided. If you have already separated, are unable to find your profile, or need any assistance, email emoryrecruiting@emory.edu.