Carol Tucker-Burden, 40 years


Carol is a Senior Research Specialist and Lab Manager for Hematology and Oncology within the School of Medicine.

Tell us about your career at Emory.

Throughout my career at Emory, I have held titles such as Research Specialist, Senior Lab Manager, and Research Supervisor. My work spanned various areas including Endocrinology, Pharmacology, Pathology, Transplant Immunology, Surgery Research, and Hematology/Oncology Research.

What are some of your favorite Emory memories?

Some of my favorite memories include attending Staff Fest activities; being part of the research lab that saw the development of the drug therapy Belatacept for transplant patients led by Dr. Chris Larsen and Dr. Tom Pearson; receiving The President’s Commission on the Status of Women at Emory Early Career Mentoring Award in 2008; and, being featured in Emory articles like 'Left Brain, Right Brain'.

Carol in left brain, right brain

Carol is featured with 'Whimsical Array,' one of her collages, in the Emory article 'Left Brain, Right Brain'.

What are some of the most significant changes you've witnessed?

Over my career, I have witnessed significant changes such as the growth of diversity throughout the campus and the construction of many new buildings, which signify increased funding and innovative ideas.

What do you miss from “back in the day”?

I miss the days of the 'Heritage Turkey' Thanksgiving buffet style meals served in the old student center cafeteria with my colleagues.

Carol holds master’s degrees from both the Candler School of Theology and the School of Law.

What do you hope for the future of Emory?

Looking ahead, I hope for continued growth and development in addressing climate change issues, advancing one voice initiatives, and pioneering medical services at Emory.

Anything else you would like to share?

Reflecting on my time here, it's been a priceless journey. I was honored to earn two master's degrees via the Emory courtesy scholarship.