Darrell Dickens, 25 years

Darrell has held the position of Ground Supervisor within Campus Services for the past 17 years.

Tell us about your career at Emory.

I started working for the Grounds Department at Emory on November 8, 1999, as a Crew Leader. I was then promoted to Grounds Supervisor on November 18, 2007, where I have been ever since.

What are some of your favorite Emory memories?

The friendships I've made over the past 25 years are priceless. In that time, I've seen many folks retire or move on to other jobs. I really do miss talking to and working with some of the former employees.

darrell with mike purdom

Darrell alongside fellow Grounds Supervisor, Mike Purdom, in 2016.

What are some of the most significant changes you've witnessed?

I've seen a lot of buildings taken down and new ones constructed all over campus. Looking back at old pictures, it's amazing how much the campus has changed. I feel that the campus has made significant improvements since I've been here. Twenty-five years ago, there were buildings that just didn't live up to the Emory name or appearance. I'm glad some of those are gone.

What do you miss from “back in the day”?

I miss all the cookouts we used to have within our department. The ladies from HR and Bob Hascall (former VP of Campus Services) always attended, and it felt like we were a family. I also miss seeing President Chase and President Wagner walking through campus and taking the time to talk to employees. You never realize how good you have it until it’s gone.