Margie Varnado, 35 years

Margie is a Senior Financial Analyst for the Department of Pediatrics.

Tell us about your career at Emory.

Throughout my Emory career, I've worked in finance across five departments, beginning in Accounts Payable and then moving to various schools. It has been fascinating to understand and learn from the different perspectives of each school. While my primary role was in finance, I was fortunate to be involved in and help establish a philanthropy program. I contributed to a program in the School of Nursing and started the G.I.V.E. program—GDBBS Involved in Volunteerism at Emory—in the Laney Graduate School's GDBBS Division, which is still going strong today! I take great pride in the GDBBS students who have kept this program alive.

What are some of your favorite Emory memories?

Some of my favorite memories from my time at Emory include watching my sons attend Oxford and then Emory. It was always a pleasure to see them around campus, whether for a quick lunch or a passing hello. I've also cherished the many moments shared with friends throughout my career, particularly enjoying events like Staff Fest. A standout memory is standing on Clifton Road in 1996 to watch the Olympic Torch pass through campus. I'm also proud of starting Emory’s first vanpool, which made a significant impact on commuting. Additionally, I am especially grateful for the opportunity Emory gave me to establish the G.I.V.E. program—GDBBS Involved in Volunteerism at Emory—while I was in the Laney Graduate School through the HR Leadership Program.

2019 GDBBS Banquet

2019 GIVE Board presentation to Margie, founder of GDBBS Involved in Volunteerism at Emory.

What are some of the most significant changes you've witnessed?

I recall sitting in the Accounts Payable office with colleagues, where one staff member demonstrated how to use Microsoft DOS. At the time, we were amazed by DOS—it's funny to think about now! Over the years, I've witnessed incredible advancements in technology, the addition of new buildings, increased traffic, and significant growth in many areas. The research discoveries made here are truly making a difference in medicine. It’s been rewarding to be a part of Emory's mission to improve people’s lives!

What do you hope for the future of Emory?

I hope Emory continues to make research discoveries that improve people's lives and help them live better.

Margie and friends at the School of Nursing Philanthropy Program.

Anything else you would like to share?

I am blessed and thankful to have a career at Emory that has allowed various opportunities for myself and my family! Looking forward to many more years!