Rachel Fest, 25 years

Rachel serves as the Director of Business Services for Emory University and the Director of Materials Management for Emory Healthcare.

Tell us about your career at Emory.

From 1999 to 2020, I worked at the Emory National Primate Research Center. My progression included roles such as Research Service Technician, Veterinary Medicine Technician I, II, and III, and Animal Care Facility Manager, followed by Associate Operations Manager. In 2020, I joined Business Operations as the Director of the Asymptomatic Screening Program. In 2022, I continued in Business Operations as the Director of Business Services with expanded responsibilities.

What are some of your favorite Emory memories?

I will forever cherish all the friendships that I have made through my years at Emory. Many of which span my entire 25-year career. My most favorite memories are those of rehoming and retiring the chimpanzees at the Main Center.

Rachel with mentor and friend, Dr. Elizabeth Strobert at her retirement from Emory Primate Center.

What are some of the most significant changes you've witnessed?

I have witnessed so many things in my career. I think that the Emory community has always been a wonderful and supportive environment. I am so happy that as it continues to grow, we prioritize and enhance the well-being of faculty, staff, and students.

What do you miss from “back in the day”?

I miss having long lunch breaks :)

Debby Morey and Rachel at the 2024 Award of Distinction Dinner, where Rachel was honored.

What do you hope for the future of Emory?

I hope that it remains an open and inclusive community and continues to embrace its motto "the wise heart seeks knowledge."

Anything else you would like to share?

I feel so privileged to have spent my career at Emory and grateful to have had the opportunity to serve in so many different roles over the years. I also feel so fortunate to work with the most amazing and talented people both at the university and in Emory Healthcare.