Michelle Kirkland, 25 years
Administrative Assistant
Goizueta Business School
Tell us a little about the work you've done at Emory throughout your career.
I started at Emory University on May 18, 1998 and worked with Mr. Frank Huff's office in the Vice President of Treasury & Finance for two years. Then I moved over to my present position as the Administrative Assistant in the Accounting Department at the Goizueta Business School.
What are some of your favorite memories of your time at Emory?
I really enjoy walking around this beautiful campus and meeting wonderful people.
What are some of the most significant changes you have witnessed over the course of your career?
Four different University Presidents and four Deans at Goizueta Business School, and the changes that followed with each new leader.
Me when I started at the business school in 2001!
Is there anything you miss from "back in the day"?
I miss the pre-Covid-19 days. We all have had a tremendous life changing experience surviving Covid. Our lives, family and friends will never be the same as it was pre-Covid days. We are still facing challenges because of this unexpected pandemic. But “We Are Emory” strong and our resilience is unbelievable.
What do you hope for the future of Emory? Please elaborate on what you think could be changed about the current work environment.
To return to a pre-Covid, healthy and friendlier, work environment. People are under a lot of stress currently.
Anything else you would like to share?
I love working at Emory University! I hope I have made a difference in someone's life here throughout my years.
One of my favorite quotes from Maya Angelou, “I’ve learned that people will forget what you said, people will forget what you did, but people will never forget how you made them feel.”