Pamela S. Pope, 35 years

Office Manager

Emory University Libraries

Pamela S. Pope

Tell us a little about the work you've done at Emory throughout your career.

My entire career at Emory has been with the Woodruff Health Sciences Center (WHSC) Library. I've been fortunate to work with, and for, a wonderful group of women, past and present. I've learned so much over the years that has had an impact on my life professionally and personally. 

What are some of your favorite memories of your time at Emory?

I will always remember the support and love I received from WHSC Library staff while completing the Executive Masters in Public Health Program at the Rollins School of Public Health. 

Is there anything you miss from "back in the day"?

I really miss the wonderful holiday party and summer picnic for staff and their families that we had during the year. However, what I DON’T MISS is the big bulky IBM Selectric typewriter with the correction tape.

What do you hope for the future of Emory?

I hope Emory continues providing staff with opportunities to help in reaching some of their lifelong goals.