Antonia Parham, 30 years

Antonia works as a Custodian for Building & Residential Services.

Tell us about your career at Emory.

I have been here at Emory working within Building & Residential Services for 30 years. During this time, I have worked in several areas, including many years in Housing and five years in the student cafeteria. I also worked as an Assistant Supervisor in the early 2000’s and currently work on the academic side, on the night shift in the Chemistry Building. 

What are some of your favorite Emory memories?

Getting to meet students from around the world along with the best group of young men I had the pleasure of serving when I worked in Hamilton Hall on the 5th Floor. 

What are some of the most significant changes you've witnessed?

The change in our campus with all the old buildings coming down and new ones going up. 

What do you miss from “back in the day”?

I miss the old Dobbs University Center (“the DUC”) that served as the student center, dining hall, and bookstore, as well as the original Turman Hall building. 

What do you hope for the future of Emory?

I hope that Emory is a great place for everyone to come! 

Anything else you would like to share?

Over the years I have met some amazing students and coworkers--Emory would not be the same without us!